Friday, January 27, 2012

Concept 54 - 3

3. The biggest surprise in my film would be that the main character finds out that the enemy is his mother, and she's the leader of a secret government agency used to terminate people with unusual powers.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Concept 53

1. A. Lion King
    B. Lord of the Rings
    C. Bug's Life

2. The Secret: My friend is getting a new dog, and his parents told me not to tell.
    Hints: It's something that will bring a lot of joy. It will make you want to be outside more often.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Concept 51 - 1

1. A. Emperor Zerg - Sundance Zerg
    B. Red Skull - Purple Skull
    C. Dr. Horrible - Dr. Awesome

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Concept 50 - 3

House: white, blue, bricks, garage, roof, lights, windows, peaceful, wood, metal, stone, door,                 kitchen, old, trimmed

Bedroom: small, cluttered, clean, organized, T.V., computer, desk, grey, bed,  lively, warm, quiet

Myself: tall, quiet, reserved, humorous, sarcastic, respectful

Concept 49 -2

2. I met the strangest person yesterday in the park.  I didn't get his name, but I surely mentioned mine.  It was a peculiar experience for sure, and the person was very shy and closed, but still approached me.  It was almost like a dream.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Compare and Contrast - Western

Rio Bravo:                               Fistful of Dollars:                          Both:
More colorful                          Morbid                                           Same guns
More cheery                            Darker, less color                           Sandy/Dusty environment
Less blood                               More action                                  
More law abiding                    Less character introductory       

Concept 48 - 2

1. Jack and Monica go on a date because their friend thinks they have both been single for too long, and even though they are opposites, they may like each other.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Concept 43 - 1

1. A. Tries to be friendly
    B. Laughs at dumb jokes
    C. Talkative

The person uses these traits in everyday conversation to try to be friendly.